Georgian Sash Windows-Facts

If a homeowner has an older style residence, then one of the most important features that he or she will want to keep intact are the sliding sash windows. Timber sash windows have been a feature of residences since Georgian times and their style and character in unmistakable. However environmentally aware property owners do have concerns that a lot of timber is used in the making of a sash windows and that installing uPVC sliding sash windows might be a greener option. Before people make any decision on using either uPVC or wood as a material in their windows the following points could be noted.

One of the major advantages that timber has as a material is that it is a renewable resource. It is good to keep this in mind when you are considering what your windows should be made of. In fact if the timber is sourced from a managed forest then by purchasing this wood you are helping to finance the replanting of more timber which will mature in time. Good quality wooden sash windows should be made from managed timber stocks. Sometimes you may find that there are different types of timber in the window unit and some of the timber may come from timber farms and some may not. Be aware of this and try to ensure that all of the timber is from a renewable source if possible.

With regard to purchasing PVC or perhaps aluminum windows in order to save timber stocks and help the planet, one has to realize that there are problems associated with the production of these materials also. Toxins are created when PVC is being produced and these toxins can have more long-term detrimental effects on our environment than the cutting of trees. You also have to look at the fact that up to now the recycling process for PVC has been pretty poorly organized and many uPVC windows and doors end up in the landfill. Fortunately this has been recognized as a problem by governments and action is being taken, but as we stand at present, timber windows are much more recyclable than windows made from PVC and also aluminum.

Some homeowners are under the impression that uPVC windows have a very long lifespan and that therefore they will last longer than wooden windows. However it has to be said that sash windows that have been installed during the Georgian period are still operating in many homes today and one wonders if the same will be able to be said about PVC windows in several hundred years time. uPVC sliding sash windows might well be the answer to some homeowners quest for energy efficient windows at an affordable price. However do not think that if you buy these windows that you are necessarily selecting the most environmentally friendly windows on the market.